A. B&B Glastonbury on the map
8 Underwood Road
Glastonbury, BA6 9BG
07715 605585
We are accesible by most forms of transport
If traveling by car please call should you require any information or see Google Maps to provide directions to us from your location.
BY air
You can reach us from Bristol Airport. The second closest airport is London Heathrow. Transport links are available by coach and bus routes.
Shuttle bus service (Bristol Flyer) operates between Bristol Airport and Bristol Bus Station.
Trains from London Paddington to Bristol Temple Meads and Castle Cary stations.
Bristol Temple Meads station has nearby connection with Bus 376 to Glastonbury.
National Express to Bristol Coach/Bus Station or to Glastonbury.
Berry's Coaches from London Hammersmith Station to Glastonbury
We are 2 minutes walk to a regular bus route. Bus 376 is an hourly service connecting Glastonbury to Bristol, Wells & Street Nearest Bus Stop is "Wells Road Cemetery" (Stop after"Avalon Estate").
There are also services running to Bath and Taunton.
Get In Touch
Contact us by phone, text or email to check availability or make an inquiry.